Project Findings
Questionnaire findings
To get a good data sample, this questionnaire was posted across a variety of social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn during the month of April 2021.
Below is a summary of key findings from the data gathered via the online questionnaire:​​​
​​A total of 198 people have responded to the questionnaire
Interestingly, nearly 40% of respondents were aged 18-25 and over 70% were female (see below​​)
47% of the sample were employed, and 27% were students, while 15% were retired (see below)
Nearly 50% of the respondents were from Seaford or Brighton (see below)
Over 98% of people think electricity should be produced sustainably (see below)
67% felt positively towards the Rampion Wind Farm before construction. Positivity increased by almost 14% after the completion of the Phase 1 construction (see below). This confirms the findings of Heidenrich (2016) and Hagget (2008) that this occurs for almost all wind farm developments in the UK and Europe.
Although less than 30% of respondents are aware of Phase 2 of the Rampion Wind Farm's development, more than double that figure are in support of increasing the number of wind turbines off the East Sussex coast. Most people (i.e. nearly 85%) do not know the proposed number of new turbines that are being planned for (see below).
On an educational basis, most respondents believe boat tours are a positive way of improving knowledge and understanding about wind farms in general (see below).
Online interview findings
In order to gather vital information about the Rampion Wind Farm's operations and how it is covered in local/national media, I conducted an online interview with RWE/Rampion Wind Farm Governance and Stakeholder Manager, Jennifer Donn. The interview took place on Tuesday 13th April 2021.
During the interview, I asked Jennifer questions about Rampion's workforce. I also asked her a series of questions inspired from comments made by the survey respondents. Many comments expressed concern about the cost-effectiveness of maintaining an offshore wind farm and in addition its potential negative impact on local wildlife.
Here is a summary of the key findings gathered from the interview:​
Workforce - Rampion has approximately 55-60 permanent members of staff and 12 offshore technicians that work during the summer months.
Qualifications - engineering degrees/qualifications and NVQs are required to work there.
Rampion Wind Farm offers apprenticeships across a wide variety of technical and engineering roles.
Boat tours - Rampion is not affiliated with charters or boat companies like Brighton Diver.
Brighton Diver is an independent tour guide operating from Brighton.
At present, Rampion does not offer its own tours guides.
Wildlife and marine surveys - Rampion has carried out extensive wildlife and marine surveys before construction began on their wind farm, to reduce the negative impact of their developments.
Education/visitor centre - Rampion hosts one of their legacy projects at the Rampion Visitor Centre in Brighton.
Media coverage - coverage of the Rampion Wind Farm has been very positive and has become increasingly so over the course of time from inception to completion (2010-2018).
Phone interview: main findings
To gather key information about how Rampion manages its PR, I conducted a phone interview with Rampion Wind Farm Development and Stakeholder Manager, Chris Tomlinson. The interview took place on Monday 17th May 2021.
During the interview, I asked Chris questions about how Rampion managed its PR and how people's attitudes have changed concerning wind farms in general. I also asked him whether Rampion's promotional strategies have been modified for promoting the Rampion 2 expansion project.
In summary, I gained much useful information about Rampion's PR strategies and how they promoted their projects to various stakeholders and the general public.
Below is a summary of the key findings gathered from the phone interview:​​
Prior to construction, two large PR challenges faced by Rampion were: 1) a wind farm did not yet exist in East Sussex. 2) attempting to win over people unfamiliar with this form of sustainable energy production.
Rampion attempted to reach approximately 1m people across Sussex about the project.
Project Liaison Groups (PLGs) are very important because they represent the local community.
PLGs and representatives from various stakeholder organisations act as conduits between the Rampion Wind Farm and their stakeholders.
Sponsorships were formed to raise awareness of the project, including the Brighton Children's Festival, the Newhaven Fish Festival and Brighton Ice Rink.
Public information events were held in Brighton in 2011.
Formal consultation took place between Feb-May 2012 across a period of 12 weeks.
390,000 flyers were sent out to local residents.
Preview events were held by the media and government MPs.
In September 2015, Rampion hosted a ferry trip for the general public (including 30 VIPs) to see the wind farm up close.
Rampion Wind Farm hopes to follow similar PR strategies for the Rampion 2 expansion; advertising, including posters, radio adverts, and bus posters.
Rampion also plans to encourage the local community to have a say in the expansion project by creating more PLGs.