On Tuesday, 6th April, I received an email from Jennifer Donn, saying that she did her best to respond to questions I previously sent to her via email about Rampion’s workforce and what qualifications are required to work there. In summary, the answers she gave were interesting and provided a valuable insight into the Rampion Wind Farm workforce. She also said she’s happy to discuss the queries I sent in further detail as she has good availability for the following Tuesday, 13th April.
On Tuesday, 13th April, I interviewed Jennifer about Rampion’s workforce, its mission statement and what her personal thoughts were on the local media coverage of the Rampion Wind Farm project. She says that, generally, media coverage on the Rampion Wind Farm is very positive, but during the early days of the project’s construction, coverage was not as positive because it was so new at that time.
I also asked her questions about wind farm maintenance, Brighton Diver boat tours and whether wind farms harm nearby wildlife. All of these questions were inspired by comments submitted by respondents as part of the online questionnaire I published online. Regarding the questions I came up with from respondents’ comments, Jennifer said it was interesting to hear the feedback I was getting. At the end of the meeting, I made sure to thank her for her time and she said that if I had any more questions, she'd be happy for me to drop her an email. Overall, it was a very productive meeting.
In terms of the online questionnaire, I received a greater data sample than I expected. In brief, a total of 198 people with a wide range of ages and demographics have responded to the questionnaire. More people feel positive about the Rampion Wind Farm now than when the project was first announced to the general public (circa 2010). Judging from the comments received, there is a clear demand for more sustainable energy projects like the Rampion Wind Farm, while others have expressed concerns about the cost of wind farm maintenance and its likely intervention with nature.